Understanding the thought behind America's first black President

The United States of America had its first black president in the year 2008 and black people felt euphoric.  We had the opportunity to feel what it was like to have one of our own in the White House and we had the opportunity to feel like our voices would finally be heard and our interests would finally be discussed.  Whites have only known whites in the white house, they have only known what it’s like to see their own on television or hear their own on the radio or see their own in print.   So for the first time in our history in this country, we had the opportunity to see that and even in that, we are still experiencing the lash of inequality that exists.  

We must deal with things fairly, and then say you didn’t pull yourself up from your bootstrap in some cases it was stolen, it was given, it was awarded,  it was appropriated, and you benefited from it. 

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Understanding the financial power of slavery, or the lack there of.

You have the understand the slaves were experts at agriculture, even though they may not have had the ability to read and write they were experts in their field.  The understood how to cultivate the land, they understood how to make the land work and it didn’t matter exactly what  the weather was or where the land was located they knew how to make it work.  So if those slaves had to opportunity to own the land they worked, economically it would have shifted the United States of America as we know it because now not only do they have the knowledge but they have the resources and financial power to grow that knowledge.

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History often teaches that the Civil War was fought to free the slaves, it was not.

What was the Civil War fought over?

It’s interesting, its taught in school that the #civilwar was fought over slavery when it fact, it was fought over persevering the union of the United States. #440negroes #documentary #film #history #1619project

While the south fought the civil war for slavery and you can read the Articles of Succession for pretty much every state, you can read the cornerstone speech and you will see that the south fought the civil war over slavery and the right to own slaves.  I think it’s important to say that the north did not necessarily fight this war over abolition.  The North fought the civil war to maintain the cohesion of the Union and the economic benefits of having the agrarian south feeding into the Northen industry.  It was not really an abolitionist war, abolition was a wonderful thing that came out of the war. 

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40 Acres and a Mule

General Sherman's "Special Filed Order #15"

Special Field Order #15

During the making of 440 Negores, we discovered that #40acresandamule isn’t an urban legend. With the signing of Special filed order 15, approx. 500,000 acres of land was to be given to the newly freed slaves of the United States, the history and the background of this landmark decision has been forgotten and or written off as myth or urban legend.   It was not. 

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